Yes, we offer worldwide shipping. Shipping to Mexico is a flat rate of $160 MX pesos.
International addresses costs a flat rate from 25to 45 USD. Please note that all international sales are final. Due to the high shipping costs and that we are a small Brand, we are not able to offer returns or exchanges on International orders. All orders are shipped via FEDEX or DHL International services. A tracking number will be issued for your order and as noted above, we are not responsible for any goods lost or damaged in transit, so unless you received the wrong product, or your suit is defective, all international sales are final.
International orders may be subject to customs and duty charges, which vary greatly depending on the destination country. These charges are payable upon arrival and are not included in the original purchase price or shipping charges. We normaly declare the goods as gifts for you not to pay taxes.
It takes 1 to 2 weeks to final destination if the product is in stock! If not, we have to produce it and it can take the same time or maximum 3 weeks.
If you would like to request a specific method of shipment, please feel free to email us at